Little update


Hey ladies… so i did my transfer on the 30/1

Positive beta on the 9th of feb 275 (9dp5dt)

Then another beta on the 12th of feb 765.

On the 15th i woke up and saw a few clots so i did my beta again, it was 2855 and they told me at the clinic not to worry.

I woke up this morning with heavy bleeding that definitely looked like a miscarriage with blood clots… went to the clinic again, and my dr said he sees one gestational sac… but thinks that since my beta levels were so high that i surely had another gestational sac that went with the blood… so i did another beta , 6700… my bleeding now has stopped but i didnt understand a thing and Im going back to the dr’s on saturday for another check up. Im so worried and the trickiest part is that i didnt feel a thing… no cramping no pain no nothing… im so so so worried… has this ever happened to anyone… please someone ease my mind…