AITA?? Thoughts/Opinions? My guy asks if I would mind if he talks to other girls "for his male cousin" while we're all at a bar/lounge together...

D • “in a world where you can be anything, be kind.” ♡

So I'm dating a guy I really like (it's been 3 months).

We go out to a bar/lounge last night with his male cousin. A couple of attractive females are checking out my guy as we all stood near the bar; they kept turning around and stealing glances at my guy, and my guy was looking back at them. I said "those girls are checking you out." And I seem to remember him acknowledging in some way, saying something like, "yeah they keep looking over here."

Now here’s the interesting part… he then asks me, “would you mind if I be my cousin's wing man tonight and help him with girls?" And I replied, "what do you mean exactly?" And he says, "like say hi to the girls and tell them, "hey my cousin likes you, he thinks you're pretty..."" —Everyone, we're all in our 30s (me, my guy and his cousin). Am I the asshole for being offended that he would ask me if he can "help his cousin talk to girls” (and basically FLIRT with other girls) right there in my face, while I’m out with him??

I literally don't know how to feel right now... 😭 ladies pls let me know your thoughts/opinions?

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