I love Spring!!!


Spring is my favorite time of year!! The new growth, blooms, color, baby animals...all the new fresh life! My littles helped me get the early spring garden beds ready this weekend and we planted 5 raised beds. My mason and honey bees are out pollinating my fruit trees and feating on the wildflower meadow and the bee buffet garden the kids planted last year. And funnest of all we have 2 baby goats out bouncing around and chicks/ducklings and baby rabbits/guinea pigs. Our homestead is always changing and in motion and I can't wait to see how my native plant section does this year. So happy to be able to do this for my family and love seeing how much my kids learn every year living on our homestead living with permaculture principles. So cheers to spring and can't wait to pick the 1st of my radish/beets/greens/and early spring veggies in the next 2-4 weeks!!