Odd? Is it just me ?

So my s/o started a job a lil back in Jan and our relationship hasn’t been the same since his affection slowed down so much he only wants to watch tv when he gets back home there’s not much bonding or communication between us sex decreased idk I just find it so much more complicated now and he always states it’s nothing and I’m crazy but he literally will go to bed without brushing his teeth or showering but wakes up for work and brushes his teeth washes his face I’m sure he goes as far as probably even washes his penis idk what’s going on with him he won’t really tell me he keeps insisting it’s just me but it’s hard to engage in sex even sex ! And when we do it all feels forced or like not genuine I tried rubbing on him a bit before bed down there and he just was like I’m not in the mood so I’m like ok whatever then in the morning he changed his boxers I know your thinking like ok maybe they were dirty or something but it’s like at that point why not shower ? Idk something is off or has been he just acts so mean when he’s at work but when he gets home he’s nice a lot of the times when I post on here everybody gets so defensive and say I bother him while he’s at work but I really don’t I don’t even text him back at times and it becomes an argument because he says I’m ignoring him but when I respond too much he gets mad and says I’m blowing him up he contradicts a lot lately when he gets ready for work he cleans up the house but then stands near the trash outside when I went to look at the trash some underwear was in there that I’ve never seen before and mind you I’m pregnant and couldn’t sleep or can’t sleep sometimes so I took my phone and his phone to the living room because we share q charger sometimes I use his while mine is charging and he snapped and was like put my phone back and then I was like where is it because he snatched it he goes I don’t want you to have it this morning he gets mad his phone is dead and blames it on me but I was going to charge it I always charge his phone at night but it’s not like it’s my job too I do it out of consideration and he gets mad and is like it’s your fault my phone is dead and etc etc idk behaves so weird sometimes it could just be how he is but he’s been so weird sometimes like so secretive or something and I get frustrated because I try so hard for us to bond like talk and he never wants to all he does is want to watch tv I get so annoyed I’m at home with my kids due to me being pregnant with my 4th sometimes I want adult interaction but he doesn’t even want to talk not even just simple conversation I can ask about his day he says one thing and that’s about it Nobody understands how I feel it’s like he was this sweet affectionate loving person and then moving in together he turned into someone who acts like he’s only here because he doesn’t want to leave his job or go back to his moms I have asked him multiple times like is this just a financial relationship for you or do you really love me because most days I’m feeling like I’m just being tolerated instead of you actually looking like your enjoying time around me it’s like walking on egg shells if I can’t sleep at night and toss and turn he gets so angry at me or says I take all the blanket or like idk it’s like he acts like he’s the one living here first and I’m the one who moved in when it’s the opposite someone help me like what can I do I try to have talks and stuff he gets so mad and says he’s tired of talking or I talk too much