Can I donate blood with slightly elavated total iron?


Sooo my blood tests show my iron and iron saturation is a bit high(195 mcg/dl) total iron and 69% saturation) My doctor is referring me to a blood specialist to find out if I have hemachromatosis, but with talking to my boss/pharmacist(Im a pharm tech) It could be due to simple factors all together like light period, taking too much vitamin c and proven high ferrous Iron count in my house water supply, because I have NO family history of hemachromatosis. My main question is, do they even check for iron levels when you donate, will they ask me if I have been tested for such things? How would they know it is high? Is it safe to donate blood so I can lower my Iron a bit (my hemoglobin was 14.5 normal range) I am really scared of it building up in body and If it has anything to do with my discomfort when eating lemon, burgers, ect This is a quick solution I can think of. I read redcross only checks your hemoglobin, not iron levels, but also they dont want Hemachromatosis patients donating because they want them to pay for required blood which is terrible. I just know it will take ages to get into a specialist when there is a 99% chance it will be a waste of time since, again, I have no history of the blood disorder and everything points to intaking too much iron on my own, and I worry about how this can progress in the meantime.