Won’t use a condom


Currently I want to have a baby but my partner doesn’t. For years now we have relied on the pull out method and it’s always worked for us but after we did try to get pregnant (had a mc) things have changed. I’ve told him I don’t feel comfortable not using protection unless we’re gonna try again. It’s been very emotional for me accepting that he doesn’t want to try rn. So when he doesn’t wear one it makes me feel confused that maybe he does want to. I told him exactly that but he won’t stop. He says it feels weird to wear one after not using them for so long and he prefers how it feels without one. Which I agree it feels better physically without but emotionally it hurts. I told him he’s telling me he doesn’t wanna try again but he’s not really doing anything to prevent it. At this point I don’t want to have sex cause he doesn’t listen but I also don’t want us never having sex ruining our relationship. I’ve never felt comfortable with the idea of taking birth control but now I feel like I might have to.