Hey girlies, i need advise as much as possible and i need you guys to be RAW with me. Tell me things like they are meant to be. Let’s not sugar coat anything. I am 25 years old and i have a 4 year old daughter. I was with her father for 5 years. At the beginning of the relationship everything was rainbows and butterflies, but after we had her everything changed. He’s the type of guy to be very sneaky with his phone. 1 month after i had my daughter, i found out that he cheated. For the sake of her, i forgave him and stayed. Of course that took a toll on me. I couldn’t trust him anymore and ever since that i’ve ALWAYS held that grudge against him. And even after that, he promised that he was going to change and what not. Still kept on being sneaky with his phone, always hiding it from me. One time i caught him in the camera talking to another girl on the phone, sadly what was being said was not clear and he SWEARS that he was on Omegle? just messing around, which for me is even worse. But he’s the type of guy to gaslight you and make you seem like you’re in the wrong. SO SO many dirty things that he did to me. He was verbally abusive towards me. Has me blocked on all social media since like 3 years ago, so i won’t see how he loves to follow half naked girls. Whenever he’d get mad he would call me horrible names. He wouldn’t talk or even look at me for DAYS. He wouldn’t come home to sleep… but always said he was with his friends. I cried and cried because i legit wanted to be out from that toxic relationship. I prayed GOD every single night to please give me the strength for me to walk out and just move on. Thankfully, after so much i was able to get my own place, but i was blinded by him and opened my doors to him. And NOW, i feel like he’s trying to act “right” and do right, but why did he wait for me to move out to act right? I feel like now after everything, i just dont feel the same towards him. I’ve detached myself from him. and i just don’t know how to tell him that he needs to leave. I told him once and all he said was “ohh you must have someone new, thats why you’re to kick me out.” but i don’t. i just want to be by myself. I don’t want to date any one. How do i get him from my place. How do i tell him that now it’s too late. I’ve begged and begged for years for him to show me the most minimal love and he couldn’t do that