I have some babies hatching UPDATED!!

GRACE Lilith • Previously Lilith DV survivor

For those who wanted to follow this

Don’t mind the holes in the eggs, I put safety holes in all of my eggs because it improves my hatch rates. It basically makes sure they don’t suffocate.

This little baby had been chirping at me all day yesterday and to my surprise on day 19 broke the shell

Here is the progress

It can still take 12-24 hours for a chick to appear after this happens so be sure to check back with me in a day or so and I’ll hopefully be showing you a newly born chicken 😂❤️

UPDATE: almost done! A second one started to hatch!

It’s here!

I’m trying so hard to get a cute pic of her but she just got here so she’s a lil goofy lookin

BUT she is fluffing out! Look at that sweet baby taking a nap

For anyone who hatches chickens look at how fast she went. I timed everything. This is a process that could easily take two days. Born on day 19 and it took her 12 hours to finish the entire process. Talk about an early bird.