Now 45! Hubby 35 ⚠️ I have adult ADHD so i may ramble off lol


Miscarriage 2020 at 8wks 🚫💗, open myomectomy in Aug of ‘23. The best thing for me! No pain really after or complications, everything that should have happened during healing did, and first cycle was not too bad. Cramps can get a bit rowdy at times but I changed diet and started juicing (morning routine). There were times I couldn’t get out of bed, stand or walk due to fibroids before the surgery. I take exercising easy but I do strength training and plenty of cardio with breaks in time and just during breaks calorie deficit my way through.

With 28 in total had 26 removed, 2 had to remain because of location and risk. We had to wait 6 months before ttc again. During the time of scheduling surgery got a bfp😳in May right before our Jamaica trip, two days later hcg #’s ⬇️ which I was ok with at that time, because I wanted the surgery for a better quality of life. Currently in tww window so wish us luck!! 🌈💗✨ and 🙏🏽⬆️✨ to all!