She’s here! 🌈🤍 April, 25th

Kelly • Wife and mama to two beautiful boys 💙💙 a baby in heaven 🤍and baby girl 💖

She’s finally here at 38w 1d. This pregnancy was tough. Was in and out of the hospital for low potassium and magnesium. And went in for an infusion, and my blood pressure was elevated. It did not want to go down, so doctor told me to get ready to be induced the next day. I was panicking!

Went in at 12:30pm. Labor started slow. Was at a 3 when they started Pitocin around 2:30ish. Got an epidural and they broke my water. Stayed at a four for a couple of hours. Then went from a 6-10 in less than an hour. Baby’s heart was dropping with every contraction, but she was already crowning. A couple of pushes and she was out! She had the cord around her neck, but was fine after.


7lbs 13oz 20in


She is doing well. Feeding great, but had to go back today for jaundice. 🥺 Hoping to go back home tomorrow night. So happy to have our rainbow baby 🤍🌈