I want a baby but I’m terrified

I’m still very young (21) but me and my bf really want to start a family within the next few years, I am just TERRIFIED of all the things that can go wrong during the pregnancy & after…

- Preeclampsia

- tearing from coochie to butt 😭(can’t even fathom how painful)

- I have BAD anxiety so I’m like scared I’m gonna have a panic attack while trying to give birth

- needing a c-section (terrified of ever needing a surgery)

- hemorrhaging

- your placenta has to come out tooooo????😭😭

- epidural or no epidural? Like something about a needle going in my spine absolutely scares me :)

- what if drs ignore me & something goes wrong?

- Sid’s, how in the world do you prevent this from ever happening

- will my height (5ft 1 ish) be a problem? Am I too smalllll?😭