Finally feel comfortable enough it’s long sorry


I finally feel comfortable enough to write out my twins birth story. I had went in for my 31 week check up on Wednesday, February 28, 2024 Dr bloodwork I got a call Thursday saying that I had pre-eclampsia and that my appointments would no longer be biweekly, but they would be weekly, and I would have a stress test twice a week and bloodwork once a week. I woke up that afternoon not feeling well but I just chucked it up to being 31 weeks in four days pregnant with twins. I worked my eight hour shift come home went to bed got up the next morning. Had to go do my taxes when I woke up. My leg was swollen, and it was swelled with my oldest son to, so I thought nothing of it. I went and did my taxes I got out of doing my taxes and I called my mom and I said my neck hurts and my leg is swollen even more at this point, I could only get crocs on and they were tight on my feet, she told me to call my doctors office and let them know what was going on so I called my doctors office. My doctor was out of the office for the day, but his partner was in the nurse said Dr. Pam will call Dr and will figure out what we need to do I get a callback saying head to the hospital. I got to the hospital about 11:30 AM and they put me on the monitors. My first blood pressure was like 138/89 so they said they were just gonna monitor me for a few hours so I’m texting my supervisor letting them know hey, I’m at the hospital being monitored. If anything I’m gonna be a little bit late. I had to work at four and she says that’s great. Just let me know, at 12 my blood pressure was 148/90 1230. It jumped to 156/92 at 1 o’clock. It went to 172/90. The nurse that was in the room with me told me that my doctor had called and said they were going to do a C-section. I said my partner is an hour away. I need to call them because it was go time at 31 weeks five days I call my partner and I tell him you have an hour to get here. They’re gonna take the babies. My blood pressure is in the 170s and the blood pressure machine dinged again . My blood pressure was 192/99 he said he was on his way, but we were having a blizzard and it was the worst blizzard we had in our area all winter. Nicu had to tell my doctor they needed to give me medicine to get my blood pressure down because they didn’t have room for my twins at the time they were discharging two babies to get them in so they gave me medicine at that time. My blood pressure was 198/113. All I remember is laying there crying scared that it was gonna lose my babies and my partner wasn’t there and I was all alone. I texted my friends and said I don’t wanna panic you but they’re taking the babies today I text my supervisor and let her know my partner got there and with the medicine my blood pressure went down by 230 to 136/80 something he walked in the door at 2:35 at 3 o’clock. My blood pressure was back up into the 160s the anesthesiologist come in and said we’re gonna be back in 15 minutes to take you to the OR they got him in his scrubs got me prepped. We walked to the OR. The anesthesiologist did my spinal block and also put in a epidural in case they had to give me blood pressure quickly. all I remember through my whole procedure was trying to stay awake. I felt like I was out of my body the whole entire time I remember turning my head and looking at my partner and telling him I loved him and going back to sleep, I was scared I would not wake up again my twins were born at 3:51 and 3:53 PM baby girl was 3 lbs. 12 oz. and baby boy was 4 lbs. 9 oz. they only had to be on the ventilator for an hour then they were on the CPAP for two or three hours and then they just put them on oxygen and they did really well with . I remember waking up in my room and my cousin and my mom and my son were there and my partner and his mom and I remember just going back to sleep. I couldn’t even stay awake because of all the blood pressure meds I was on a total of four through the night to keep my blood pressure down I spent Friday night Saturday night Sunday night and I was released Monday. I couldn’t even go see my twins the night they were born because when I stood up, all I could do is projectile vomit I went and saw them the next day. They were so tiny and so fragile we weren’t even allowed to touch them at the time. It was just to look at them on Sunday. We could look we could look at them and touch them  by Monday I got a hold of my son for just a few minutes, but baby girl was still too little and too fragile. Once I was discharged I had a follow up that Wednesday. My blood pressure was still high so I was still on blood pressure meds, and my doctor looked me straight in my face and said I didn’t know if you were gonna even make it through the night I went in the next week for another blood pressure check and for my one week follow-up to my C-section I told my doctor my ribs still really hurt and my abdomen hurts and he said you had an emergency C-section and your twins were born within two minutes of each other. You’re going to hurt. I really felt like I wasn’t listening to. I went in the next week so two weeks for another check up on my C-section incision and I told him hey I still really am not feeling good. Blew me off but told me to come next week for another so I had another check on Wednesday because I spent Tuesday night emergency room blood pressure in the 180s  they got my blood pressure down and sent me home. I had my follow up the next day. I went to my follow up told him hey I really don’t feel good. My blood pressure still high. I really hurt in my ribs. I can barely move. I want to cry every time I have to move and he said it’s because of this emergency C-section it’s gonna hurt for a while, blah blah blah so I said OK whatever I went home that night, my partner was getting ready to go back to his house an hour away for work so when he goes to work, he has a house in the town. He works an hour and a half away from us and he just stays the night there and then comes home on his days off so he’s getting ready to head home and I go into our room and say hey babe I’m really not feeling good. I need you to take me to the emergency room. He said OK and drive me to the emergency room. My blood pressure was through the roof again I spike a fever in the emergency room they tell me I’m going septic and they’re admitting me at this time my babies are three weeks old and still in nicu

I had two infections one in my uterus and one in the lining of my abdomen my doctor was not in town so I was seeing another OB/GYN in the hospital and he said if I had waited another 24 hours, I would’ve been septic and more than likely had been dead. They put me on high antibiotics and sent me home after four days in the hospital, I felt a lot better. My partner had taken the whole week off so I didn’t have to worry about anything and he would take me up once a day to see my babies because twice was too much for my body and I would just start to shake I had a follow up with my OB/GYN and he pretty much said shit happens. I went to my general practioner because of of my blood pressure he put me on different blood pressure meds and told me it should resolve it’s self which it was fine by4 days and I could take blood pressure meds as needed My babies got to come home on April 7th today was their two month check up and I told my doctor who is also their pediatrician that I felt like that infection was coming back he told me he doesn’t want me to feel like he’s just bouncing me, but I have to go to my OB/GYN for a follow up because I’m still within the 90 days of having my babies, but he started on the same regimen that I had when I went home from the hospital on because he said I don’t want you to wait three days to get on antibiotics. I called my OB/GYN‘s office and told them my general practitioner put me on antibiotics because we feel like I have this infection again they told me the soonest they could get me in was two weeks even if I hadn’t got on antibiotics  I told my general practitioner what was going on and about my lab works from when I have the babies my white blood cell count. The day I delivered was 12,000 and on high dose antibiotics that night it jumped to 23,000 overnight. My doctor never sent me home from my first day on antibiotics. I feel very gaslit by my doctor and my general practitioner told me that after the 90 day threshold of having babies he will help me  find a new OB/GYN because this doctor has not taken my blood pressure seriously since I have had the babies has not taken that I don’t feel good seriously and has literally gaslit me for my general practitioner and I’m very thankful that my OB/GYN took the twins when he did, but he dropped the ball with everything else. The end of the story is I may still be sick but I have two of the most healthy adorable babies I could ever ask for. Also have a wonderful partner who sits at my bedside while I’m on the hospital and cries when I don’t feel good cause he can’t make me better