Did I do the right thing

I’ve been using a dating app (Hinge) for a month now. I have talked to 2 guys and met them within the week. Conversations via text were great but in person it was a whole different thing. Physically, they didn’t look like their pics and the vibe wasn’t there.

A week ago I matched with a guy who is very sweet. I asked where he lives and he’s in Florida. I am In California. I asked how that was working out for him and he said he set his location to California because he is going to move out here soon! I just didnt want to waste time talking to someone out of state.

So we continued texting and we shared the same values. We both want to get married and share the same religion which is important.

However, once we exchanged numbers he started getting very clingy. I wouldn’t respond quick enough and he had already sent a second text. For example, let’s say he texted me “what are you making for dinner?” (Message sent at 6:04pm)…..he’d would sent a follow up text at 6:40pm saying “I had seafood are you done cooking?”

It was kinda getting annoying because at work i dont even use my phone and the double texting drove me nuts. like give me space i will respond.

so i finally confronted him about his intentions on the app. he said he set his location to california bc he feels like his person is not in florida. but im confused as to how he is meeting women if hes only talking to women in california. he said he is willing to move but to give him time but i see that as a waste of time. am i crazy for wanting to meet within a week and not prolong a talking stage for more than 2 weeks???

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