Did your husband make it to the 20 week ultrasound?


My husband seems to not be as interested in this baby as i am. I dont think its real for him yet. He is starting a new job and says he doesnt want to take an hour off that early in the new job to go to the ultrasound. We had a miscarriage in November and before that were TTC for 3 years. Because of my history of MC, our first ultrasound was at 7 weeks. It was just a little dot. I am so grateful for this baby and excited to see it! I just wish he felt the same way. Also it seems whenever i mention the baby or my bodies changes that im excited for, he just changes the subject. I had a dream last night that he missed the birth and woke up emotional. Am i reading into this too much? I feel like i have the urge to prepare for baby and get excited and hes acting like nothing is happening.