What are the chances ?!?!

Okay, so I generally have a very regular cycle. Like clockwork. In 2022, period start date we’re may, June, July and August 17th. Got a positive test September 15th, 2022. Gave birth to our son may 2023. Was breastfeeding and on minipill. No period until 5/1/2024.

Got a new prescription called in for birth control due to no longer breastfeeding. Insurance changes due to being dual enrolled in 2 plans caused an issue with who was paying. So, couldn’t take it as I’m still fighting with them.

Husband is a long haul truck driver, and came home from May 9-13th.

Took plan B on the 13th. Per my trackers, I was mid ovulation window. I’m looking for personal experience with plan b. I’ve never taken it before. I know once you’ve started ovulating, it’s ineffective. So, I’m asking for personal experience on whether or not I’ll be testing in 2 weeks!


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