Is there some help I can get in my situation

Gina_Mum of 🧒👧👦👼👼🐕

Steve, my partner now just 2 months from 2 years. He just cannot leave the wife. He signed on to facebook single parents. And he was a big lie.He has a wife and two kids but his marriage is loveless. He has two teen boys 13 and 18 one was a septic born baby and has special needs. I have asked one final time as he has now (again) made me pregnant for his second child. I have one boy nearly 6 with autism and two others under 4, I recently had a baby 3 months ago. I am at wits end as my oldest sleeps in my room with his bed and my other two share single beds in one room next to ours. I own just a kitchen apart from two rooms. My point here is, I want to make my life with this guy. He has supported my kids, he looks after me. Two years I held out for an.engagement ring. I want to build my own house. I ask him always can you just separate and we can move in together, (mind you I said separate not divorce). In March this year "I can't afford to go". In early May when I asked again "I suppose". I am.waiting so to speak with a red candle. My son has met him kids. He just does not want to.come half way. In the end of April he claimed "He was sleeping on the couch and giving her as he chose me and the kids". But then like I said I get "I suppose" "I'm staying for my boys". buying a 5 bed home. What he does not understand is he claims she cheated on him and left condoms in their marital bed but he will.not leave her, that is what boils my pregnant blood up more. I my ends here, close to 38 years of age and I am.just ageing and unhappy, but I love this guy he has treated me like no other I have had if he could just leave her, my head would be in a better place. My friends don't want a bar of me over him and his lies. One of my friends forced me to delete and block.him off my phone on.Mother's Day and my mum and dad will probably I sought therapy and the psych said that "they all say they will.leave but.never do it will.not amount to.nothing ever. " Could she intervene with us and help to give him the ultimatum to leave as I have a baby again on the way and I am 5 weeks along? Many months ago he told me "When Connor (my oldest) gets his school we work.something out".

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