Another woman pregnant while I’m pregnant


Im 22, me & my bf of 2 years have a 14 month old daughter already. Currently I’m 33 weeks. The other woman found my social media saying she is 22 weeks pregnant and has shown me all the cheating between her and my bd with some sexual videos…This woman lives a public sexual life for a living which is how they got involved he had no intention of being with her which was clear and paid and begged her for an abortion she never got like she agreed to. he is not 100% sure if the baby is his based on her lifestyle and doesn’t want a dna test bc of child support fear & plans on giving her money when she needs it without papers. we’ve been rocky since my first born and Ive have done things as well from a feeling of him cheating but never penetrative sex.

WTH DO I DO. We do love eachother and have known eachother long, leaving is not so black and white. What if I don’t leave and give it time, How would I coparent if I do leave, should I even coparent if I left ?! he needs to do the DNA test although the dates do match up… i guess she was okay with being a single mom off what he was telling her. I’m so stressed out.