BIL planned wedding when our baby is due


Long story short, my BIL planned his wedding for a week after my due date and my husband's family is laying on the guilt pretty severely because my husband and I cannot attend. The date had not been confirmed when we announced our news to them to which we said we would not be able to attend in the month they were planning because that is when I am due (it is an out of state wedding we would need to fly to). They went along and booked the date anyway which is fine, yet now we are getting the cold shoulder from my future sister in law (she hasn't even acknowledged that I'm pregnant) and have gotten a tremendous amount of guilt from my MIL and BIL.

My husband is susceptible to this bs from his family but I'm about ready to say a lot of things that aren't every nice (even tho true).

Am I crazy or are they crazy?

We had been asked about a date a few months later to which we said yes of course we would attend, so it's not like we said we could never attend.