Going out alone with two yr old and 9 month old

I have two boys. One just turned two the other is 9 months old. I live in a community and go to the community park often play with water table outside, basketball, take car rides, walks, but have been hesitant to venture out alone at parks aside from my community or target for example because my two year old is sooo active and doesn’t like the stroller for long I have to coerce him with snacks to stay put. He has no fear and died not stay close to me he literally runs off. Would you suggest baby wearing my 9 month old when my son doesn’t want to be in stroller? Maybe I should try the library? Target idk he would start grabbing stuff off shelves if not in stroller… just need some advice . I was hesitant to go out with them alone for a bit because my little one was constantly breastfeeding now it’s more of a stretch in between feeds . My husband makes me feel not good enough for not going out alone and just doing community park and stuff I mentioned. He says his brother’s wife would do stuff alone with her three year old and 1 year old but her 3 year old has some fear and doesn’t run off… he stays near his mom. Anyway thank you just feel like I’m not good enough and crappy .