4th csection advice?

I am 28 years old with 3 kids ages 9, 7, and 5. I had all via csection. I thought I was done after my last, but my husband and I have been talking about the possibility of 1 more. My doctor said all of my csections have gone as planned, and my uterus is looking good and said another should be just fine. She did mention there are increased risks of course, 1 being that my placenta could attach itself too deep into my uterus or my scar tissue. In that case Id have to give birth over an hour away in a bigger hospital that's more equipped she said. I don't want to have to do that, or be scared about mine and the baby's health and well-being during a possible 4th pregnancy. So my question is what are the odds of placenta issues happening with a 4th csection and no past history with any problems? Please share your expiriences too if you have had 4+ csections. Thank you!