Tw*** I feel like I failed my child.





I always thought something was off about my now ex. But I assumed it was because I was molested as a child. Well, my gut instincts was right.

I caught my now ex being inappropriate with our baby. I needed my sons diaper rash cream from the couch downstairs, and asked if his dad would watch him for a second to make sure he won’t fall off. His diaper still unfastened. I had this strong nagging feeling to just check on them. So I pretended to go down the steps and then snuck back over to baby’s room and I caught him.

I flipped out and grabbed the baby and ran outside to call police and my mom. He kept denying what I saw him doing, and then the last thing I heard them say before I was out the door was “go ahead, they won’t believe you.”

I was able to get a temp protection order for the kids and I, but he didn’t go to jail. He should rot in jail after what he did. His own freaking child! My baby!Wtf is wrong with this justice system? They told me he was calm and cooperative. He’s gonna make it out like I was lying. I didn’t think about needing evidence my first thought was to get the baby away from him. How’s my baby going to be protected from this monster?! I’m so scared. He’s not even two. I’m scared he is going to get away with this what do I do to protect him? I already failed by letting my guard down for a second😭 why is he not in jail?! Where is the justice for my child?! And not only that, how many times has he done this that I haven’t known about?! I’m so sick to my stomach. I have failed my child.