How to strengthen the communication in your relationship?


Y’all, my Hubby and I are bumping heads constantly. And I know we need better communication for our marriage to work out.

We are so similar in the way we think! Which is why I believe we bump heads so often…

We’re both hard headed, we both think we are always right, both hard to admit when we’re wrong, we both assume things that aren’t true, we both think the other is giving attitude…

It’s immature and creating a divide between us. I need y’all’s best advice if you have gone through similar. What you have done to fix the situation?

My problem with my Hubby is he is so uptight. I feel he is angry about everything and gets annoyed so easily. He is that way with our 5 year old son and he is that way with me. I’m afraid to say any small think because he snaps at me then an argument happens I won’t put up with it. I’m sure getting mad at him acting that way towards me is not the right thing to do, but then what is?

He literally does not like to talk. I can sound nice as can be but if he’s annoyed there ain’t no talking to the man. I’m at a loss.

And ladies, I know I’m not perfect. I analyze things way too much and assume I know it all. But I’ve always been that way and I’m usually right about most things. Not just when it comes to him. But others as well. I’ve always been really good at reading people. And my hubby and I even joke about how I know what he’s thinking and he laughs and says I’m right. And that’s been for many different situations.

So when I know he is being a certain way, he will say “you must not know me at all.” Even though I’ve been with him for 8 years.

No relationship is perfect. I get it. And I’m not giving up on my husband. In fact I don’t see my life without him. I love him. But I’m not sure how to fix our issues. And I don’t want to end in divorce because we start despising each other.

Any advice is welcome and appreciated.