First Cycle BBT! Is this ovulation?

Arianne • 31 years old, happily married since July 2013. Mama to Peter 4/11/16 Linnea 9/23/18 and Ivy 5/7/2021 Spina Bifida mom. PCOS+Endo.

Hi! I understand I need to keep testing to see if my temp trend continues…. But does this look like I’ve ovulated? My apps say the 16th but I really think it was the 15th (CD 14) because of my symptoms and charts. Thoughts? Purple line is temps, orange is LH strips.

Thanks for the help! This is our 9th month trying for baby #4. Baby #3 took about 18 months and I’m hoping for an easier time this time around…but it’s not looking good. Trying to choose gratitude 😌