Mixed up amniocentesis with twins

I’m so sad:( I’m currently 26+5 with fraternal twin boys. I hope this all makes sense. I did an amnio at 15 weeks due to genetic history and one of the babies having a thicker neck measurement. The amnios came back good but we found out at our 19 week scan that one of the babies has a heart condition and a couple other possible differences. They sent the amnio on the one baby for a more in depth test called the WES. And it can back clear. I asked if there was a chance if the amniotic fluids could be mixed up because there’s been so much inconsistency my whole pregnancy on who is who. They assured me they weren’t mixed up but my husband I couldn’t shake the feeling that they could be so we paid to run the other baby privately (we are in Canada) and that baby came back with a genetic condition (completely random) which would make more sense for the other baby with the heart condition. So I had a repeat amnio on Monday of the one baby showing the differences and today we got the results and it confirmed that they did indeed get them mixed up. They bring up termination at every appointment, we are going to meet with a genetics dr next week but it doesn’t sound like it’s a good outcome for this sweet baby. 😞 I’m just devastated and needed somewhere to vent. I don’t know if anyone has ever been in this situation. I just don’t know how this could happen.

Our embryos were not tested but it doesn’t sound like this would have been caught if they were as he doesn’t have any chromosome difference. The CMA was normal. 😞

For embryo testing- what all do they test for?