Not a gold digger?

I guess I just need advice or thoughts on my situation... I'm having trouble trying to figure out if I should stay with my boyfriend. You see he has always been way too busy. He was in school for a long time and it just always felt like we were waiting for that to be done to have more time.. Only now he has his career and is way busier. Which fine I get that if a man is busy with that stuff at least he's ambitious... and has money which brings me to the next thing. I DONT WANT HIM FOR HIS MONEY, and in fact when he speaks about how rich he's going to be it turns me off? Idk why! I know i'm crazy. It makes me want to leave him to prove a point lol I guess its just we're motivated by different things.. I will be so happy with a lowkey life and kids.. nothing extravagant. He however wants the best of everything which isn't terrible but I'm tired of waiting for the right time for kids and feeling like I have no boyfriend bc he's so busy.. I don't ever want him to feel like I can't have a better man just bc he makes a lot of money. He does treat me well and gives me money but it makes me uncomfortable that he also looks down on how much I make.. but my bills are paid and i'm happy.. so for him to kinda make light of me not making me much makes me want to leave him??