baby #2? Confused…

So, my fiance and I have been in the talks of having our 2nd baby. All I have ever wanted was to have a big family and many many kids. My fiance on the other hand, never really wanted kids. (now that our daughter is here, he regrets ever feeling that way.) He never wanted a big family full of kids. He was always content with just our one. But recently, he has been talking a lot about having a 2nd. & the majority of me is all for it. But another side of me, is feeling like he only wants another, because he thinks it’s what is going to make me happy. I don’t want him to be miserable having multiple kids, when he never wanted them in the first place. (I hate saying that because he is a wonderful father, the best father I could’ve have ever chosen for her.) I have stated this to him before, that I don’t want him miserable because he wants to make me happy. I want him to truly want this for US as a family. He always just says that he has had a change of heart, and he loves the way our lives are going & wants to add another. But part of me can’t help but feel like he’s not being 100% with me. I guess, I truly do not know the point of this post. Other than just rambling on, and venting.. If that is what you would call it.

Has anyone else ever been in this situation? If so, what was the outcome? 😭