Anti depressants and pregnancy

what are some safe anti depressants to take during pregnancy? I would like to research them so I know my options.
If you took any during pregnancy what was your experience with it? Any side effects? Did you hate it or love it? Ect. (And by Safe I mean deemed by docters acceptable to take during pregnancy. There are some you can take and some you can't, I'm wondering which ones are on that can take list.) 
My hubby thinks I might have a case of depression with my anxiety. I plan on talking with my dr about it when I see him next and I have a feeling he'll suggest putting me on an anti depressant. I was on Zoloft after having my daughter but I did some research on the effects during pregnancy and while its deemed safe in technicality it's a catagory C Drug and there's a theroy that it doubles your risk of autism when taken in the second and third tri. (I'm in my second tri) so I'm not feeling too secure about Zoloft this time around.
Also Please don't judge or lecture me that I'm considering anti depressants, I'm only looking and researching ALL my options.