Are you kidding me?!

All of the kids (3 and 4 months) are asleep. My 3 year is finally going to bed with no problems after three days of extreme tantrums at bedtime. We’ll as long as we keep the door open so she doesn’t get scared. Can I get a hallelujah?

DH has been milking a sinus issue all weekend. Like, he blew his nose one time on Friday and it had some yellow. He called the online tele-doc and they gave him antibiotics. I canceled any plans I had this past weekend because he needed to spend it resting. We both planned on doing the 3 day potty training to really help my toddler who’s been struggling. He was gonna watch the baby while I focused on the toddler. His idea.

So tonight, I get all set up to do my last pump of the night. Everyone’s asleep awesome. He walking around the house and starts coughing loudly. Like the kind you do to clear your throat. COUGH COUGH COOOOOOUGH. Wakes up the baby. Tells me that he’s going to excuse himself and then goes down to the basement to leave me to take care of everything. Seriously?… Baby woke up startled and screaming. I’m racing down the hallway with my pump attached to me to get to my toddlers door closed so she doesn’t wake up. Grab a bottle for the baby, grab the baby who’s screaming louder each passing second and trying to get him settled while he’s throwing his arms around. Pulling on my pump flanges that are pulling at my nipples.

No help from him. 😤😤 He heard all of this going on and just went to be a baby. I’ve been sick twice since my son was born and I’ve never just been allowed to in my room or the basement to just be alone. I’m a parent and I’m getting stuff done. I don’t get days off or sick days. Yet he has some yellow snot and needs to whole damn weekend. 😤😤