Getting cut off financially SAHM

How would you react if you are a SAHM do all the cooking, shopping, cleaning and taking care of a baby (because husband works all day which means his day will always be harder) and now the money you rely on from your partner working he no longer wants to give or provide for you because you get maternity pay from government (700) which is I enough. Just curious cos I’m not sure if I overreacted….to make it worse he told me “looking after the baby is easy” and” I should do what he has to do at work for the day” 🙄🙄I tried not to let this hurt or get to me but it really did as he hasn’t got a clue the physical and mental toll it has! It’s easy when you don’t do it and can get a full 8 hours of sleep each night and never actually have to help with the baby AKA feed or change!