Irregular cycle help


I’m bf and have had irregular cycles for the last 8 months. I haven’t caught my peak and assumed it was cycle day 13 because that’s the darkest the line ever got on my OPk. My CM was clear like egg whites and I thought that was a fair assumption. I’m expecting AF anytime from now to 3weeks from now and I noticed my CM today seems like it has the same consistency as raw egg whites but it’s a little cloudy. I took a OPk and pregnancy test (negative). The OPK today is darker than it ever was this cycle— the first I took at 915 and my urine was darker. And the next I took at 1210 ( I had about a litre of water in between tests) my urine was significantly lighter and the test only ever so slightly lighter.

Could I be ovulating this late? Is the CM now consistent with that? Or what could be causing my LH to rise? I’m been craving sweets and carbs more so bad and that’s unlike me to be stuffing my face like that and so I thought maybe I’m PMSing even though I don’t usually notice any cravings and super tired but I just returned to work so I think that might affecting my hunger/stress hormones