Should I cut my friend off - please read

So my best friend and I tell each other everything. My best friends mom is friends with my mom’s friend, NOT my mom. My mom’s friend recently came over and told her she doesn’t like my bf (my ex bf) because of things she’s been hearing from my best friends mom. I had previously told my best friend things I went through in that relationship while I was going through it, such as abuse. So of course I asked my friend if she had told her mom about everything I told her. She denied it and said she’s told her mom little things about what I’m up to but never bad things that I’ve gone through. My friend immediately gets defensive and says that my mom’s friend told her mom that I’m an alcoholic like my father (I went out a few times during my 18-21 age but don’t anymore, my friend knew that, I’m 25 now) she also said that my moms friend said I was neglected as a child and my mom preferred my brother over me, and how my moms friend is asking for prayer for me at church because I’m an “alcoholic” and mentioned a bunch of other things that supposedly my moms friend told her mom. My thing is, how come she’s telling me this years later when I’m confronting her about it. My friend is denying telling her mom anything about me, and yet my mom’s friend knows I had a party era, and I know my mom didn’t tell her because they’re church friends. That’s the last thing my mom would want to tell her church friend. My mom also told me she did not tell her that I used to party at all. My friend told me she didn’t even know I drank until my mom’s friend told her mom. (Which idk if it’s true because ive told her myself that I’ve drank. Me and her have literally drank together before) She then told me that she found out yeaaaaars ago, so my thing is why am I just finding out about all this talk about me? I decided to believe my friend and went to confront my mom’s friend who did own up to mentioning some things about my father, but denied other things and told me that my friend told her mom all about my party era and how I drank,and problems with my ex and that’s why she didn’t like him. This makes me believe her more because she actually owned up to something’s , unlike my best friend who just denied everything. I just don’t know what to feel anymore, I hate that people are talking bad about me behind my back for years now and my best friend knew and I’m just finding out about it. I hate that people from church are hearing about things about me that aren’t even true. I’m so irritated people know things about me through my friend for telling her mom, and she keeps denying it. Idk who to be mad at but I’m more disappointed more than anything because she’s one of my few best friends. Should I cut her off?