Born 2 days before my big brothers 2nd birthday! 🥰


So originally I was due August 15th but unfortunately I woke up at 2:00am July 31st to change my one year old diaper right when I was about to get up to use the bathroom myself my water broke! I started contracting right before I walked out of the door to go to the hospital and was 5 centimeters dilated when I got there. I went with no medication up until about 3:30am maybe nd right when I got my epidural my body started pushing on it’s on still feeling the contraction but not as bad as the epidural was kicking in I birthed her at 4:18am nd she weighed 5 pounds 13.8 ounces nd yes I felt it all I can say with my first I was induced nd felt absolutely nothing but with her it was a lot of pain. I did my best to sit still as I was getting my epidural, pushing, and contracting all at the same time thanks to my helpful nurse I rubbed, tapped, nd cried all over her knowing the risks if I moved I wouldn’t have did it without her. Her big brother turn 2 August the 2nd unfortunately our plans is cancelled due to the arrival of his little sister but I’m so happy they get to share so much together! Baby Ziah is here nd alr very much loved.