Shooting pain through breast (breastfeeding)


This is my second baby, I never had this feeling with my first baby. Baby is 2 months old. She’s definitely gaining more than enough weight so I don’t have any concerns about that, but I do think I have an oversupply. She hasn’t been nursing as often the past couple weeks, and she doesn’t empty the breasts most feeds. My breasts feel overly full a lot of the time lately. I’m surprised I haven’t gotten a clogged duct actually. I’m thinking my supply will slow down soon though now that she’s not nursing as often as she was before (it was a lotttt the week prior to that, she was in a growth spurt)

Today I’ve been getting shooting pain through one breast. It only lasts about 5 seconds and it happens every 10 mins-1 hour or so. It has happened both while baby is feeding and just randomly. I don’t think it’s thrush, we don’t have any symptoms. Anyone else have this before or know what this is? Does this have to do with my oversupply?