Potty Training Help


I’ve read the books. I’ve searched the topics. I’ve googled every possible thing.

We’re on week two of potty training. We let my little guy pick out some “big kid undies” at the store, got a prize box, have strategically placed toddler potties around our house, and have toddler toilet covers for our big potties for when he’s ready for that. He’s doing well with it. He knows how to void when he’s sitting on his potty, so relaxing isn’t an issue. However, he does not go independently or tell us when he needs to go. We typically have 2-4 accidents per day at home (still using pull ups for daycare and outings). I know it’s all part of learning. What can I do to help him recognize he needs to go before he reaches the point of urgency and ends up with it on the floor? And how do I get him to tell us he needs to go instead of asking him every 30 minutes if he needs to use the potty? I can tell the persistent asking if he needs to go is starting to drain and irritate him. But he won’t volunteer it and if he isn’t on the potty when he has something in the tank, then he’ll go on the floor.