Irregular cycle help! Double peak


I CANNOT make sense of this.

My last cycle was 6 weeks ish and I never found a peak.

This cycle I was 0.22 on CD11 and thought I just didn’t test enough but peaked then or the next day as the line was getting darker.

Fast forward to CD29 I did a OPk and hcg test just to see because I was ravenous and bloated and highly emotional (I don’t usually have symptoms like this around my period or ovulation). So surprised to see the peak but though that made sense why my last cycle was 6 weeks if I ovulate so late

I expected my period to show up two weeks later. Instead it showed up 6 days later on what would’ve been CD35.

Anyone have more than one peak in one cycle? Or A peak so late in your cycle? And have it followed by a period less than a week later? My period was only 1 day of heavy bleeding (bright red and dark red with a small clot seen once). I was spotting a couple days since— I don’t think that implantation. IM SO CONFUSED 😭