Can your partner get fired for something you did?

I admit I'm completely in the wrong but at the time I thought I was right. The gist of it is that this woman commented on a Insta community post about how mental health is a huge problem in our community and we need more resources. We went back and forth on Insta and I said some stuff I shouldn't have and posted some emojis I definitely shouldn't have. She asked me to stop and go back and read her posts because I was misconstrueing things. I commented "😂😂😂 k I can read thanks". Well I did go back and read it later with my husband and realized she was 1000% right.

I had no clue that she's my husband's boss's wife because she has a different last name. My husband's worried tomorrow he's going to get fired. I tried to comment on the post but comments are now closed and I tried DMing her but I can't do that either.

Yes I realize I am 1000% wrong but I was reading and commenting so fast that I didn't understand what she was saying, and I thought she was saying we need to open more psych facilities where people are admitted for life and what she was ACTUALLY saying was we need more mental health resources that people can access at various points in their lives.

I feel like such an idiot (and I completely own that!!!!) but I seriously don't know what to do. Should I write her an apology or what?