Late ovulation with Clomid?


Anyone here use Clomid (I have PCOS, that's why I used it just by the way) and find they ovulated on CD 18+? I have looked it up and almost everywhere says it's possible for ovulation to only happen 3 weeks into your cycle if your cycles are irregular (like with PCOS).. Just curious if anyone here has experienced it? I always find personal experiences more interesting.

Reason for asking, I took Clomid this last cycle and assumed I ovulated on day 15 or 16 based on symptoms (I don't use OPKs, just basing it off symptoms and when I ovulated in my first cycle on Clomid which my doctor confirmed for me back then). But I just took a test now and I can see a very obvious faint pinkish line under 1 week which would mean I ovulated over 20+ days into my cycle so now I don't know if the test is just invalid or if I just miscalculated..

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