Periods never the same again post Pfizer


Hi everyone

I’m struggling to find information. I know the link with temporary menstrual changes post covid vax is well documented, but the research (or articles) all seem to note a very small change to length of the cycle and a return to normal within months. I have my first and second Pfizer shot at the end of 2021. Within 7 days of my second shot, I got a period which was weeks early. In all my life, my period has been bang on 28 days like clockwork.

Fast forward to now and my cycle has never returned to normal. I’ve suffered spotting at ovulation, spotting for a week before a period, spotting for 6 weeks every day on the pill (was a temporary trial to see if the pill helped), a missed period, and now a period 2 weeks early. My general hormones have felt way out of whack. I’ve had multiple hemorrhagic cysts, and severe pain the last few months.

Multiple ultrasounds have revealed nothing other than the cysts, and a DIE scan showed what the gyno said was the most mild/unlikely suggestion of endo maybe in one area, but so unlikely he has suggested not to even explore via a laparoscopy.

Has anyone suffered a more long term change to their cycle post the vax? Has anyone come across any reading on this issue? I appreciate your insights.