Progesterone Drop! Super worried 😟


Hi everyone.

So i had TVS last week and baby is at 6w2d, just the right age based on my LMP. We saw a yolk sac and just a flutter of heartbeat, doc said hb is too low to get picked up so i come in again for another TVS at 7w2d.

Doc ordered a couple of blood test a day prior to my appointment, including progesterone levels since mine is only at 35 ng/ml.

Today is that day, and when i got my progesterone level it was at 18.9 only. That’s such a big drop! I sent it to doctor so I can get checked asap but they don’t have clinic today. Super worried. Anyone had similar experience and still carried full term?

Thanks and hoping for a healthy pregnancy for everyone!

PS: I’m 40, have PCOS, apas I and II, and another autoimmune disorder which puts me at high risk.