Confused on ttc


My husband and I have four beautiful babies and we have always debated on if we wanted to have 4 or 5 and after having our last in November I knew I wanted to have just one more. We have had all of our babies back to back (9.13.17, 11.11.19, 9.21.21, and 11.11.23) so there’s some days that are definitely harder then others where I think I’m fine with just four but I know deep down I’m not done yet. My husband and I both decided we aren’t trying but definitely not taking any precautions. Well as of right now I’ve had super inconsistent periods and starting last month I’m taking progesterone to induce them and I had my period 8.1 and I didn’t tract ovulation but based on my apps we did do the deed when I would have been and I think I’m only 10-12 days past ovulation, and I feel I’m not ready completely this month to be pregnant but a part of me wants it sooo bad (plus my 6yr old isn’t helping as last night he asked if I had a baby in my tummy and that he wants another one 🥹) but I’m also in the process of getting ready to take my insurance license exam plus working and juggling a house and four kids so I know I’m stressed but I just feel pregnant, but still no positive, there’s no point to this really more or less just venting but 🫠