“Friend” taking baby name ..

Let the comments commence.

With my 2nd pregnancy we didn’t find out the gender but all my friends knew it was either a certain name for a girl or a certain name for a boy …

I ended up having a boy.

My friend was pregnant at the same time and knew the names and out of nowhere one day said her husband liked the same girls name as me.. at the time I was confused and panicked and was like if I have a girl and so does she, surely they won’t take it? They had a girl but named her differently in the end.

Baby 3 time and we have both fallen again within 3 months of eachother.. it was always on my agenda not so much hers, but she fell first…

She is now talking about the same baby girls name that I liked… what do I do?! Just let her have the name if she has a girl?

Bearing in mind she knew I loved this name as when we had my baby shower she guessed girl (although wrong) and put the name down..

I don’t understand why in her mind it’s something she feels fit to take… knowing my last pregnancy if I had a girl that would have been her name.

She isn’t finding out the gender this time. I am though. So I will know the gender before she gives birth. If it is another boy… should I just suck it up 😭. It’s my last pregnancy and I’ll be a boy mum if no girl (which is all good! A healthy baby is what’s important!!).. so in that case maybe I should just let her take it and without a fuss? 🙁

Thoughts appreciated !!