Vaginal itch

Since Friday night I’ve been itching inside my vag. I thought I might have a yeast Infection so I checked that night Saturday-Sunday morning and this morning and have had no white discharge each time I’ve checked just redness but no rash and it’s not burning when I pee? My fiance and I have sex without a condom all the time and are both STD/STI free so I know it’s not that. I’m on the nexplanon birth control and don’t have periods so I don’t know if that’s causing it or what but Is there a cream or pill I can take to make the itching stop?

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Posted at
Treat like a yeast infection. Monistat. Yeast infections aren’t just discharge. You can have one on the skin.


Posted at
Go an get the over the counter meds you should be able to treat it with that


Posted at
If it was me, I would get Monistat 5 even if I can’t see white discharge, just to make sure. Sometimes yeast hides.