Should you tell your partner everything about your kids other parent?

My boyfriend is upset with me because I don't talk to him about my kids father. He tells me everything about his kids mother and their relationship and he doesn't like that don't basically gossip about my kids dad. He tells me things about his kids mom that I honestly don't care to know. Like how she was molested by her grandparents when she was 8. Also laughed about how she shit on him when they tried anal. I don't care about that stuff and I don't he expected me to make fun of her with him. He asks me things about my ex husband. About his childhood. What's the most embarrassing thing he's ever done. What's the most embarrassing thing he done during sex. Just weird things. I never answer. That relationship is over. He recently told me it hurts him because he feels like I still love my kids dad because I won't tell him anything about him and will it be like this when we get married. Probably. Look I may have divorced him but I'm not going to go around telling my partner embarrassing things about him or talk about his childhood trauma. This is my kids dad. I don't even want to hear it about my boyfriends baby mama. My boyfriend said if he's gonna marry me he deserves to know everything. I just don't understand why my ex matters. He's not asking questions like if he's abusive or violent. Just seems to want to know stuff he can make fun of.