No. It is just a cold sore. Do not engage in oral when you feel one starting or you have one. Refrain from kissing too. Most people get cold sores. You can also ask your doctor to write you an rx for Valtrax (generic is fine) to take when you get one. I take 2 pills on onset, 2 pills 12 hours later, and 2 more 2 hours after that. Combined with Abreva, they go away quickly.
ella • Sep 19, 2024
okay do i need to disclose this to future partners ?
Melanie • Sep 19, 2024
Either. Get some Abreva. Do not pick.
Posted at
Get a rx for Valacyclovir from your doctor. Take it as soon as you feel one coming on as it'll stop it dead in its tracts. Also, buy some abreva to use for it topically. When you have an outbreak, no kissing or sharing anything such as drinks, vapes, etc.