A poem to “just a friend”

I saw her today.

I had never met her before but somehow I already knew her.

I saw her today.

The her that came after me, the her that you chose over me; the her that I found out about while sitting in a room of people and had to act like it was nothing.

I saw her today.

The her that is clueless to who I am.

She’s perfect. She’s beautiful and kind and I could never compete with her.

I saw her today.

When you walked up with her next to you, the her I could never be the her I will never be.

I saw her today.

And I smiled and said hi and was kind to her and put on my mask to make everyone happy. To make you happy. Because that’s all I ever wanted. I just thought you wanted me in the same way I wanted you. But I was wrong.

I saw her today.

And I walked to the bathroom alone and cried quietly while you left with her in the passenger seat.

I saw her today.

I had to look her in the face and act like you were just a friend and there was nothing deeper and never was or ever will be.

I saw her today. And said goodbye to you.