Am I being unreasonable?

My husband and I have moved overseas for over a year now. We’ve been invited to my sister in laws, daughters wedding which we’ve know about for a while now. We’ve really been looking forward to flying back and spending time with our family and friends as our first year overseas has been madness especially with a toddler.

A few months ago I started to feel really unwell. I went to the doctor and the doctor advised I have prediabetes and I have to change my life style. So I have and I’ve lost 40lbs! We were just starting to feel settled, our toddler started nursery and I had finally found so me time to put my health first. Again, I started to feel very ill. The doctors told me I have pcos, thyroid issues and was severely deficient in some vits and minerals. I was told I can’t have children and the doctor said I’m very lucky to already have a child and that she was surprised.

6 weeks after, we got pregnant! I know, crazy! So the doctors have put me on all sorts of medication to support the pregnancy and told me they can see blood spots in my uterus and to prepare for a miscarriage. I’m now 10 weeks and my husband and I have decided that I’m not going to fly out for the wedding as we don’t want to risk anything for the sake of our unborn baby. The doctor said we’re ok to fly but I feel for some reason it’s better I don’t. I told the family what we’ve decided and most of them understand. However my sister in law is a bit pissed. She said, ‘can you not just see how you feel closer to the time?’ (I’ll be 13 weeks by the time we fly) I responded, ‘it’s not the case of seeing how I feel it’s the case of we don’t want to add any extra risks for the sake of our baby.’ I also apologised and said I hope she can understand.

Do u think I’m being unreasonable here? Thanks for reading this far 💕