Relationship problems

We’ve been together for 7 months and I quickly became pregnant. However red flags are now popping up that I think I was too naive to see before, and I need some help as I don’t know

If it’s my hormones and I’m just overthinking things or if I’ve actually got something to worry about.

1. I’ve never been to his house he lives over an hour away and said since I have a child and don’t drive for childcare reasons and traveling it’ll be easier if he comes to mine it then changed to his family was staying at his with their kids so he’s waiting for them to leave. This was months ago now whenever I ask I don’t get a response. He doesn’t even call me when he’s at home he waits till he’s in the car.

2. He works 7 days a week so I only see him if I’m lucky 1 to 2 times a week and that’s only from 6pm to 5-6am the next day since he has to drive to go back to work because of this we haven’t done anything/gone out etc as a couple for 3 months all we do is hang out at mine we talk about plans but they never happen

3. He has a car seat in his car but no kids?? I’ve asked him about this and he said it’s when he has to pick his nephew up from school when his parents have to work late… but since we’ve been dating there’s no mention of ever having to do it

4. I’ve never met any of his friends or family his reasoning is that he’s not close to many people

Am I overthinking this or does it sound suspicious?