ECV or C-Section


I’m curious on people’s experiences on both. We found out last week that at 36 weeks our son flipped breech. Unfortunately, due to other health issues I have we need to be induced by 37 weeks for both his and my safety. I only have 3 days left until our 37 week ultrasound where they are checking his position to see if he is still breech or flipped on his own.

With that said, if he is still breech they want to do an ECV. They said I should have a good chance since I have a bit of fluid left, it’s not my first baby, and he is small (he is only 5lbs 14oz after only gaining 10 oz between 32 weeks and 36). While I haven’t had a chance to discuss more with them, I know the other option is an elective c-section. I have never had one and this is my 5th baby. I’m terrified for either option as I can’t have an epidural or spinal placed due to my anatomy which leaves me with iv sedation only.

I’m hoping all of this is for nothing and he flipped on his own and we can go forward with our normal induction route, but I can’t help but want to know more about my options