Negative test but period is late?!

Krista • Engaged 💍 CMA 🩺 TTC #2 🤱🏼

I’m going crazy here! I tested positive with my daughter 1-2 days before my suspected period 4 years ago (I had IUD out then and only took us 2 cycles to get pregnant). I had my IUD out in June of this year. My periods have been every 27-28 days and I’ve always been pritty spot on with predicted period date with this app. I was supposed to have my period yesterday and still nothing this morning (I usually start in the morning). I haven’t had any usual period symptoms. My boobs feel heavy, maybe look a little more veiny than usual and I’m starving in the middle of the night and in the morning which is unusual for me. I had similar symptoms when I was pregnant with my daughter early on. Still negative this morning!! Anyone else take a while to test positive after a missed period?!!