Jealousy …


Well 😒😂 Idek how to feel. My s.o has a cousin who came from Mexico and everyone would say she wasss… very slu**y I guess you could say or like she likes to act flirty. Anyways one day he told me that she said if he wasn’t married she’d be all over him. After that I got annoyed and have never liked her since. He said I didn’t have to worry etc obviously it would be weird if I did have to because that’s his cousin.

Fast forward today I’m out here on a work trip with him and a bunch of his coworkers, his cousin being one of them. Unfortunately we had to have his cousin and another girl coworker in the car with us. The whole time I was irritated because all she does is make jokes and laugh a bunch and slap his arm while he drives. Like hahah he isn’t that funny. They were talking and he calls her “gorda” if you’re Hispanic you know that’s kind of a term of endearment. Not just calling her fat lol . Then he calls me gorda and she says yes and he goes no I was talking to her. 😒

That was so irritating too. I literally dislike this girl so much. And she kept touching my arm too.

This is not a cousin he grew up with and he often tells me how she tries to hug him and his brothers but that it makes him uncomfortable because they aren’t close and didn’t grow up together.

So I started asking myself if they’re not close then why do they act like that. Giving each other nicknames and acting all buddy like. Maybe I’m making something out of nothing but I couldn’t help it. After work we got back to our hotel room and I showered and went straight to bed. I didn’t even want to talk to him.

I know this is possibly just because I’m insecure 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ wish it didn’t bother me at all.